Spark Montessori Studio: Age 3-6 Years
- The Spark Studio is an authentic Montessori environment of whole child development: cognitive, physical, emotional, and social. Learners freely explore learning materials in Math, Language, Practical Life, Sensorial, Culture and Science, and Quest areas. The Spark Studio builds foundations of independent learning skills that engage young people to soar in the real world.
- Our Spark Studio is prepared with beautiful materials that facilitate growth and independence while keeping up with the active bodies and brains of young children. With an age-appropriate balance of freedoms and limits, children pursue their interests, practice essential life skills, and engage in academic pursuits. The mix of ages facilitates peer-to-peer learning and leadership development as the older children serve as guides and models for the younger ones.
Elementary Studio: Age 6-10 Years
- At our Elementary Studio we lay the foundation for the joy of learning as we encourage our young heroes to find their life’s calling and tap into their unique genius.
- A primary goal in the Elementary Studio is to learn core skills, and develop life skills and character while having ample opportunities for collaboration, exploration, and free play. They learn how to set goals, work collaboratively, and love learning, while also helping and being helped by others in the Studio.
- Our Quests and Socratic discussions put a strong emphasis on critical thinking and real-world problem-solving skills. Our well-balanced educational experience ignites curiosity, creativity, and the ability to ask good questions.
Middle Studio:
Age 11 – 15 Years
- Middle School is about deepening a passion for individual subjects while broadening your understanding of yourself and your future.
- Work on difficult real-world Quests. Learn to calculate, write and think more deeply. As you develop a positive self-identity surrounded by friends who will support you.
- Learners apply real-world skills in hands-on projects including apprenticeships each year with heroes in the community. They learn leadership and self-direction at a deeper level through this.
- Find a calling through exploring gifts, passions and apprenticeships so you can change the world. Studio offers a higher level of freedom, as well as a safe place to test your limits, failing early, cheaply and often.