Frequently Asked Questions

Is Acton Academy a Montessori school?

Acton harnesses the best of Montessori methods: mixed-age classrooms, student choice within limits, large blocks of work time, learning through “discovery,” and freedom of movement in the classroom. We respect and incorporate Maria Montessori’s philosophy. In addition to Montessori methods, we use the latest interactive technologies, hands on projects and the Socratic Method for discussions.

How is Ribbons affiliated with the original Acton Academy in Austin?

Ribbons is part of the network of over 275+ Acton Academies around the world. We follow the same Learning Design (curriculum), tools , processes and learning model created by Acton Academy & network schools. 


Ribbons is a school or after school program ?

Ribbons is a self directed learning environment  for the age group of 3-year-old onwards to 18-year-old children. At present we are accepting admission only for 3-6 year-old children and plan to grow with them.


Is Ribbons accredited? Are you a part of a chain or franchise?

Ribbons – Acton Academy is accredited through the International Association of Learner Driven Schools (IALDS). We are not a franchise school or chain of any school.

If Acton does not have teachers that teach, how do students learn?

At Acton, we do not teach or give direct instruction for learning. Instead, we have Socratic Guides who create Quests, Writing, and Civilization challenges that are real-world oriented meant to be accomplished through self-direction, and cover all subject areas including essential life skills. 

In addition, Socratic Guides do not answer questions. Students learn best and have great joy in their learning when they find their own answers by putting in hard work to seek solutions, and are respected and trusted to do so. Socratic Guides provide a plethora of resources, ask great Socratic questions meant to help students on their path of self-directed learning, and conduct Socratic discussions to stimulate critical thinking to build and reinforce independent learners. For core skills, such as Mathematics and English, Socratic Guides monitor students as they work towards mastery on adaptive self-paced online learning programs.

What are Socratic Discussions and why does Acton use them?

In the Socratic method, a guide sets up scenarios and asks questions to stimulate critical thinking and independent learning. Acton uses the Socratic method rather than lectures because through discussions and actively making arguments to support their beliefs, learners hone their critical thinking and speaking abilities and gain a better understanding of a topic than by passively taking notes during a lecture. Outside of discussions, guides employ the Socratic method with learners throughout the day in order to build and reinforce independent learners who are able to answer their own questions.

Does every Acton child have to be an entrepreneur?

Acton learners aim to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. This mindset is not about starting a business per se. Rather, it’s about looking for opportunities in the world, taking risks, learning from mistakes, thinking creatively, working hard, and finding joy.

What grade levels do you offer?

We currently have admissions open for Early learning program (Ages 3-6 year-old) and every year we will add more as we grow.

How long is Ribbons in session each year and what is the school calendar?

We operate on a 10-month calendar that allows our students to have extended breaks throughout the year and maintains their interests and our flexible program allows families to travel together throughout the year, as we believe learning happens everywhere and all the time. 

What do you mean by “a hero’s journey” for each student and each parent?

We believe that each of us has a special calling in life, and a series of trials and tests that must be faced with integrity and purpose in order to live a satisfying and fulfilled life. Our mission is to prepare your child for his or her special journey. Each parent also travels their own hero’s journey as they support their child, as they seek their own unique calling to make the world a better place.

What does it mean to be a learner driven classroom?

At Acton Academy we believe in learn to learn, learn to be and learn to do and an important part of this is encouraging kids to take responsibility for their own behaviour and hold those around them to a high standard. When something isn’t working, we want our students to work together to solve the problem, not look for an adult to solve it for them. This creates a sense of independence and confidence that will serve them well in all areas of life.

Children who love to learn, are curious, self-motivated, and respectful. Our environment is an accelerator for the independent learner who can tackle challenging questions, figure out the instructions, and solve problems.

Will children be grouped together by grades in Ribbons?

At Ribbons we follow a mixed-age classroom approach in which children of different ages sit and work together. We believe that children learn best when working with those younger and older than themselves rather than split up into groups based solely on age.


How do you measure how each student is progressing without exam or teacher ?

Students set daily, weekly, and session goals in our online system — Journey Tracker. Journey Tracker also provides real-time progress data, which we use to identify areas of struggle and close any learning gaps. Students do not move past a skill until achieving mastery. Additionally, each student manages an individual portfolio to showcase their best work.

What are Quests?

Quests are real-world projects where young learners apply their problem solving and project management skills to discover and build new products, services, and experiences. At the end of each session, the learners will showcase their journey through each of the quests. Quests bring hands-on learning in the sciences, the arts, entrepreneurship, experiencing history, collaboration, and life skills. 


What is a typical day at Acton Elementary?

We launch each day with a Socratic discussion to highlight the focus of the day and build energy, bring up a community need, or just inspire and encourage learners. The morning launch is followed by independent and small-group work on core skills (reading, writing, and math) using state-of-the-art learning software and hands-on materials. The learners then engage in art or movement. After lunch and free time, the elementary children gather again for a Socratic discussion to reflect on and prepare for their afternoon work on quests.

How much homework will there be?

We believe that children need time to play, relax, and be with family and friends. There will not be any homework assigned.